Conference Hotel
The conference hotel is nearly full. See other accommodation.
On this page:
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Westin Harbour Castle Hotel |
Conference room rate:
CAD$204 (about USD$130) per night, single or double occupancy, rate guaranteed only if booked by April 19, 2001.
Taxes added are 5% provincial sales and 7% goods and services.
To assure the conference room rate at the hotel, conference delegates must book their rooms on or before this date. Neither the room rate nor room availability is guaranteed afterwards. Be sure to mention IEEE/ACM ICSE-2001 when making your accommodation reservations.
The hotel is expected to fill up quickly since it is the best hotel in downtown Toronto. Please make your reservations early.
Currency exchange rates
Please arrange reservations by phoning this hotel. To obtain the conference rate properly, do not use the online reservation system.
Westin Harbour Castle Hotel
Reservations Department
One Harbour Square
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5J 1A6
Voice: +1-416-869-1600
Out of rooms? See other accommodation.
All meeting functions, paper sessions, tutorials, workshops, and exhibits will be held entirely within the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel Complex and Conference Center. This beautiful hotel property is situated directly on the lakefront overlooking Lake Ontario, and provides ample meeting space for the entire conference. It is also located just a few blocks away from the heart of downtown Toronto, which abounds in restaurants, theaters, shopping and other activities. There is also very convenient and efficient public transportation within a few blocks of the hotel which places the entire city within easy reach.
All guest rooms feature individual climate control, two telephones, remote control cable TV with free and pay-per-view movies, minibars, and many other amenities. Smoking and non-smoking rooms are available. The hotel also has excellent indoor recreational facilities, including a pool, sauna and exercise room. It also features three fine restaurants: The Lighthouse, a revolving restaurant on the top floor of one of the twin towers of the hotel which provides a panoramic view of the city and lake; The Grand Yatt Dynasty, which has an upscale oriental cuisine, and the Chartroom Bar and Lounge adjacent to the main lobby.
Floor Plans
These are maps of the hotel convention complex and conference center.
Hotel Levels

Conference Center Street Level

Conference Center Second Level

Child Care
Custom Comfort Care, Inc. is a nursing resource that offers Care in a Crunch service, childcare for conference attendees who plan to bring their dependants with them. The caregivers are from nursing and ECE professions and have been trained to handle any health emergency.
Basic services for a conference includes a minimum of 2 trained careproviders. The Day Nurseries Act requires staffing allocations for care of children according to the ages of the children in the group.
Information required from conference attendees includes: name, hotel, room number, phone number, number of children and their ages, and pool supervisor. To book care, call +1-416-698-3356 at least 4 hours prior.
Other Accommodation
Radisson Plaza Hotel Admiral
The Radisson Plaza Hotel Admiral is just a few minutes away by foot.
Room rates:
CAD$199 (about USD$127) per night, single occupancy; CAD$219 (about USD$140) per night double, occupancy; rates guaranteed only if booked by April 30, 2001.
Taxes added are 5% provincial sales and 7% goods and services.
Be sure to mention ICSE Conference Block when making your reservations.
Please arrange reservations by phoning this hotel. To obtain the block rates properly, do not use the online reservation system.
Radisson Plaza Hotel Admiral
249 Queen's Quay West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5J 2N5
Voice: +1-416-203-3333
Crown Plaza Toronto Centre
Room rates:
CAD$209 (about USD$134) per night.
Taxes added are 5% provincial sales and 7% goods and services.
Be sure to mention ICSE Conference May 1219 2001 when making your reservations.
Please arrange reservations by phoning this hotel.
Crowne Plaza Toronto Centre
225 Front Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5V 2X3
Voice: +1-416-597-1400