Submission Information
Electronic Submission
Technical, case study, and education paper electronic submission. These submissions must conform to the proceedings publication format and be submitted as an Adobe Portable Document Format file. See the links in the table below for more specific submission details.
The submission deadlines are firm.
ICSE is the leading international forum for the exchange of ideas in software engineering. The conference features a number of coordinated events that aim to provide a comprehensive, informative program for software engineering professionals, researchers, managers, and students. ICSE 2001 invites you to contribute to its broad-based program. See also submission deadlines for important dates and contact information.
Topics of interest span the full range of software engineering issues, including those listed below:
- CASE tools
- Component-based software engineering
- Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) and software engineering
- Configuration management and version control
- Design methods
- Distributed and parallel systems
- Environments: organization and integration principles, language-directed tools
- Formal methods
- Human-computer interaction (HCI)
- Hypermedia software engineering
- Knowledge-based software engineering
- Interoperability, heterogeneity, and mismatch
- Measurement, metrics, and empirical methods
- Object management support
- Object-oriented technology
- Patterns and frameworks
- Program and system analysis techniques
- Programming languages and software engineering
- Program transformation
- Quality assurance
- Reliability
- Reverse engineering
- Requirements engineering
- Reuse
- Risks
- Safety and security
- Software architecture
- Software documentation
- Software economics
- Software evolution
- Software maintenance
- Software process, process management, and process improvement
- Software project management
- Standards, legal, and ethical issues
- Software technology transfer and education
- Systems design
- Testing, analysis, and verification
- Web-based tools, systems, and environments
For Contributors