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On this page:
- Sunday, May 13, 2001
(ICSE Tutorials and Workshops)
- Monday, May 14, 2001
(ICSE Tutorials, Workshops, and Symposia)
- Tuesday, May 15, 2001
(ICSE Tutorials, Workshops, and Symposia)
- Wednesday, May 16, 2001
(ICSE Technical Program)
- Thursday, May 17, 2001
(ICSE Technical Program)
- Friday, May 18, 2001
(ICSE Technical Program)
Sunday, May 13, 2001
Next Day | Top
Sunday, May 13, 2001
(ICSE Tutorials and Workshops) |
7:308:30 |
Breakfast |
8:3010:00 |
Full-Day Tutorials
UML for Software Engineers
R. France,
Colorado State University, USA; and
C. Kobryn,
Telelogic, Inc., USA
The Intertwining between Risk and Project Management
K. Frühauf,
INFOGEM AG, Switzerland |
Morning Tutorials
Methods of Component-Based Software Engineering: Essential Concepts and Classroom Experience
K. Wallnau,
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA |
2nd International Workshop on Living with Inconsistency
S. Easterbrook and
M. Chechik,
University of Toronto, Canada
4th ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering over the Internet
F. Maurer,
University of Calgary, Canada; B. Dellen,
Fraunhofer IESE, Germany;
J. Grund,
University of Waikato, New Zealand; and
B. Kötting,
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
2nd ICSE Workshop on Software Product Lines: Economics, Architectures, and Implications
P. Knauber,
Fraunhofer IESE, Germany; and
G. Succi,
University of Alberta, Canada
2nd International Workshop on Automated Program Analysis, Testing, and Verification (WAPATV)
N. Tracey,
University of York, UK; and
J. Penix and
W. C. Visser,
NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Software Engineering and Mobility
G.-C. Roman,
Washington University, St. Louis, USA; and
G. P. Picco,
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Software Visualization
W. De Pauw,
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA;
S. P. Reiss,
Brown University, USA; and
J. T. Stasko,
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
10:0010:30 |
Nutrition Break |
10:3012:00 |
Full-Day Tutorials
Continued |
Morning Tutorials
Continued |
Continued |
12:002:00 |
Lunch |
2:003:30 |
Full-Day Tutorials
Continued |
Afternoon Tutorials
From Use Cases to CodeRigorous Software Development with UML
A. Zündorf,
University of Paderborn, Germany |
Continued |
3:304:00 |
Nutrition Break |
4:005:30 |
Full-Day Tutorials
Continued |
Afternoon Tutorials
Continued |
Continued |
Monday, May 14, 2001
Previous Day | Next Day | Top
Monday, May 14, 2001
(ICSE Tutorials, Workshops, and Symposia) |
7:308:30 |
Breakfast |
8:3010:00 |
Full-Day Tutorials
OPEN: A Flexible OO/CBD Process for Software-Intensive Systems Development, a UML Exposition
H. Younessi,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Hartford, USA; and
B. Henderson-Sellers,
Swinburn University of Technology, Australia
Describing Software Architecture with UML
P. Kruchten and
B. Selic,
Rational Software Canada Corporation, Canada; and
W. Kozaczynski,
Rational Software, Inc., USA
Software Product Lines and Software Architecture Design
J. Bosch,
University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
Morning Tutorials
How to Do Inspections When There is No Time
T. Shepard and
D. Kelly,
Royal Military College, Canada
EasyWinWin: A Groupware-Supported Methodology for Requirements Negotiation
B. Boehm,
University of Southern California, USA; P. Grünbacher,
Johannes Kepler University, Austria; and
R. O. Briggs,, USA
Fundamental Concepts for Practical Software Architecture
A. Ran,
Nokia Research Center, USA
An Introduction to Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME): Java in Small Things
J. White,
Catapult Technologies, Inc., USA |
Generative Techniques for Product Lines
G. Butler,
Concordia University, Canada;
D. Batory,
University of Texas at Austin, USA;
K. Czarnecki,
DaimlerChrysler Research, Germany; and
U. Eisenecker,
University of Applied Sciences, Kaiserslautern, Germany
SEMINAL: Software Engineering using Metaheuristic INnovative ALgorithms
M. Harman,
Brunel University, UK;
B. Jones,
University of Glamorgan, UK; and
N. Tracey,
University of York, UK
From Software Requirements to Architectures (STRAW 2001)
J. Castro,
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil; and
J. Kramer,
Imperial College, UK
3rd International Workshop on Net-Centric Computing: Migrating to the Web (NCC 2001)
J. H. Jahnke,
University of Victoria, Canada;
K. Kontogiannis,
University of Waterloo, Canada;
E. Stroulia,
University of Alberta, Canada;
S. R. Tilley,
University of California, Riverside, USA; and
K. Wong,
University of Alberta, Canada
Global Aspects of Software Engineering Professionalism
J. B. Thompson and
H. M. Edwards,
University of Sunderland, UK
3rd International Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER)
K. J. Sullivan,
University of Virginia, USA;
M. Shaw,
Carnegie Mellon University, USA;
B. Boehm,
University of Southern California, USA;
D. Notkin,
University of Washington, USA; and
W. Harrison,
Portland State University, USA
4th ICSE Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering: Component Certification and System Prediction
I. Crnkovic,
Malardalens University, Sweden; and
H. Schmidt,
Monash University, Australia; and
J. Stafford and
K. Wallnau,
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA
10th International Workshop on Software Configuration Management: New Practices, New Challenges, and New Boundaries (SCM 10)
A. van der Hoek,
University of California, Irvine, USA |
Doctoral Symposium
Symposium chair:
M. L. Soffa,
University of Pittsburgh, USA |
10:0010:30 |
Nutrition Break |
10:3012:00 |
Full-Day Tutorials
Continued |
Morning Tutorials
Continued |
Continued |
Continued |
12:002:00 |
Lunch |
Café |
2:003:30 |
Full-Day Tutorials
Continued |
Afternoon Tutorials
Improving Software Inspections by Using Reading Techniques
F. Shull and
I. Russ,
Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software Engineering, USA; and
V. R. Basili,
University of Maryland, USA
Mining Components for a Software Architecture and a Product Line: The Options Analysis for Reengineering (OAR) Method
D. Smith,
L. O'Brien, and
J. Bergey,
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA
Hyper/J: Multidimensional Separation of Concerns for Java
P. Tarr and
H. Ossher,
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Enterprise JavaBean Architecture and Design Issues: Avoiding JavaBean Soup
J. White,
Catapult Technologies, Inc., USA |
Continued |
Continued |
3:304:00 |
Nutrition Break |
4:005:30 |
Full-Day Tutorials
Continued |
Afternoon Tutorials
Continued |
Continued |
Continued |
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
Previous Day | Next Day | Top
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
(ICSE Tutorials, Workshops, and Symposia) |
7:308:30 |
Breakfast |
Café |
8:3010:00 |
Full Day Tutorials
State, Event, Time and Diagram in System Modeling
J.-S. Dong,
National University of Singapore, Singapore
From UML to Java: Building a 3-Tier Architecture
T. Korson,
Southern Adventist University, USA
Designing Concurrent, Distributed, and Real-Time Applications with UML
H. Gomaa,
George Mason University, USA
Using Transformation Systems for Software Maintenance and Reengineering
I. Baxter,
Semantic Designs, Inc., USA
Effective Software Architecture Design: From Global Analysis to UML Descriptions
R. L. Nord,
D. J. Paulish, and
D. Soni,
Siemens Corporate Research, USA; and
C. Hofmeister,
Lehigh University, USA |
Morning Tutorials
Bridging the Requirements/Design Gap in Dynamic Systems with Use Case Maps (UCMs)
D. Amyot and
G. Mussbacher,
Mitel Corporation, Canada |
XML Technologies and Software Engineering (XSE 2001)
C. Mascolo,
W. Emmerich, and
A. Finkelstein,
University College London, UK
Describing Software Architecture with UML
A. Brown,
Catapulse, Inc., USA;
W. Kozaczynski,
Rational Software, Inc., USA;
P. Kruchten,
Rational Software Canada Corporation, Canada; and
G. Larsen,
Catapulse, Inc., USA
Advanced Separation of Concerns in Software Engineering
P. Tarr,
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering
J. Feller,
B. Fitzgerald,
University College Cork, Ireland; and
A. van der Hoek,
University of California, Irvine, USA |
David Lorge Parnas Symposium
Symposium chairs:
D. Hoffman,
University of Victoria, Canada; and
D. M. Weiss,
Avaya Communication, USA
New Software Engineering Faculty Symposium
(morning only)
Symposium chairs:
L. J. Osterweil,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA;
G. Silberman,
Centre for Advanced Studies, Canada; and
K. Wong,
University of Alberta, Canada |
10:0010:30 |
Nutrition Break |
10:3012:00 |
Full-Day Tutorials
Continued |
Morning Tutorials
Continued |
Continued |
Continued |
12:002:00 |
Lunch |
2:003:30 |
Full-Day Tutorials
Continued |
Afternoon Tutorials
Introduction to the Attribute Driven Design Method
F. Bachmann and
L. Bass,
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA |
Continued |
Continued |
Setup of
Posters, and
(EPIC) |
3:304:00 |
Nutrition Break |
4:005:30 |
Full-Day Tutorials
Continued |
Afternoon Tutorials
Continued |
Continued |
Continued |
5:305:45 |
Break |
5:457:00 |
Closing for David L. Parnas Symposium
(Open to all ICSE attendees)
Software Fundamentals: The Ideas of David L. Parnas
David M. Weiss,
Avaya Communication, USA
Diogenes, Where Are You?
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Session chair:
D. Hoffman,
University of Victoria, Canada |
Posters, and
(EPIC) |
7:009:00 |
Sponsored by ACD Systems |
Wednesday, May 16, 2001
Previous Day | Next Day | Top
Wednesday, May 16, 2001
(ICSE Technical Program) |
7:308:30 |
Breakfast |
Student Breakfast |
Speaker's Breakfast |
Café |
8:3010:00 |
Software Engineering and the Internet
Daniel Sabbah,
IBM Corporation, USA
Session chair:
H. A. Müller,
University of Victoria, Canada |
Posters, and
(EPIC) |
10:0010:30 |
Nutrition Break |
10:3012:00 |
Technical Papers (TP)
Design and Specification of Distributed Systems
Session chair:
A. Zündorf,
University of Paderborn, Germany
Composition Patterns: An Approach to Designing Reusable Aspects
S. Clarke,
Trinity College, Ireland; and
R. J. Walker,
University of British Columbia, Canada
MAS - An Interactive Synthesizer to Support Behavioral Modeling in UML
E. Mäkinen,
University of Tampere, Finland; and
T. Systä,
Tampere, University of Technology, Finland
Analysis and Testing of Web Applications
F. Ricca and
P. Tonella,
ITC-irst (Centro per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica), Italy |
Technical Papers (TP)
Static Analysis
Session chair:
J. M. Atlee,
University of Waterloo, Canada
The Right Algorithm at the Right Time: Comparing Data Flow Analysis Algorithms for Finite State Verification
J. M. Cobleigh,
L. A. Clarke, and
L. J. Osterweil,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Static Checking of Interrupt-Driven Software
D. Brylow,
N. Damgaard, and
J. Palsberg,
Purdue University, USA
Lightweight Analysis of Operational Specifications Using Inference Graphs
L. K. Dillon and
R. E. K. Stirewalt,
Michigan State University, USA |
Education Papers (EDU)
Practical Software Engineering Education
Session chair:
H. Saiedian,
University of Kansas, USA
Educating Software Engineering Students to Manage Risk
B. Boehm and
D. Port,
University of Southern California, USA
A Formal Approach to Component-Based Software Engineering: Education and Evaluation
M. Sitaraman,
Clemson University, USA;
T. J. Long and
B. W. Weide,
Ohio State University, USA; and
E. J. Harner and
L. Wing,
West Virginia University, USA
Corrective Maintenance Maturity Model (CM3): Maintainer's Education and Training
M. Kajko-Mattsson,
S. Forssander, and
U. Olsson,
Stockholm University and Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
Invited Industry Presentations (IIP)
Challenges in Software Development Practice
Session chair:
D. E. Perry,
University of Texas at Austin, USA
Global Software Development: The Bell Labs Collaboratory
D. Atkins,
Bell Laboratories Lucent Technologies, USA;
M. Handel,
University of Michigan, USA;
J. D. Herbsleb and
A. Mockus,
Bell Laboratories Lucent Technologies, USA;
D. E. Perry,
University of Texas at Austin, USA; and
G. Wills,
Bell Laboratories Lucent Technologies, USA
Does More Necessarily Mean Better? The Software Performance and Reliability Bottleneck
M. Cheng,
ACD Systems, Canada
Software Engineering in a Startup
A. Ricciardi,
Valaran Corporation, USA |
12:001:10 |
Lunch |
1:101:50 |
Frontiers of Software Practice (FoSP)
Session chair:
S. R. Tilley,
University of California, Riverside, USA
Enabling Technologies for the Future of Voice-Based Web Access
S. Woods,, USA |
Frontiers of Software Practice (FoSP)
Session chair:
G. Kaiser,
Columbia University, USA
Jini Network Technology: Devices, Desires, and Designs
A. Ricciardi,
Valaran Corporation USA
Frontiers of Software Practice (FoSP)
Session chair:
R. Holt,
University of Waterloo, Canada
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web Services
A. Ryman,
IBM Canada Ltd., Canada |
Frontiers of Software Practice (FoSP)
Session chair:
P. Devanbu,
University of California, Davis, USA
Auditing Legacy Systems for Security and Survivability
T. Longstaff,
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA |
1:502:00 |
Break |
2:003:30 |
Technical Papers (TP)
Process Improvement for Multi-Site Environments
Session chair:
D. M. Berry,
University of Waterloo, Canada
Commitment Development in Software Process Improvement: Critical Misconceptions
P. Abrahamsson,
University of Oulu, Finland
An Empirical Study of Global Software Development: Distance and Speed
J. D. Herbsleb,
A. Mockus,
Bell Laboratories, USA;
T. A. Finholt,
University of Michigan, USA; and
R. E. Grinter,
Software Product Lines: Organizational Alternatives
J. Bosch,
University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
Technical Papers (TP)
Design Recovery and Program Understanding
Session chair:
G. Snelting,
University of Passau, Germany
Supporting Program Comprehension Using Semantic and Structural Information
J. I. Maletic and
A. Marcus,
University of Memphis, USA
On the Syllogistic Structure of Object-Oriented Programming
D. Rayside and
K. Kontogiannis,
University of Waterloo, Canada
A Scenario-Driven Approach to Traceability
A. Egyed,
Teknowledge Corporation, USA |
Education Papers (EDU)
Degree Programs for Software Engineering Education
Session chair:
A. Finkelstein,
University College London, UK
An Efficient Set of Degree Programs for One Domain
T. Shepard,
Royal Military College of Canada
The Software Factory: Combining Undergraduate Computer Science and Software Engineering Education
J. D. Tvedt,
R. Tesoriero,
University of Maryland, USA; and
K. A. Gary,
Academic Software Engineering: What Is and What Could Be? Results of the First Annual Survey for International SE Programs
K. L. Modesitt,
University of Michigan, USA;
D. J. Bagert,
Texas Tech University, USA; and
L. Werth,
University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Invited Industry Presentations (IIP)
Technology Drivers for Web and Mobile Phone Services
Session chair:
M. Aoyama,
Niigata Institute of Technology, Japan
Technology Drivers and Research Challenges of Future e-Business
S. Feldman,
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Challenge of Keitai Software: Software Engineering for Next Generation Mobile Phone Systems
Y. Hanai,
Fujitsu Limited, Japan; and
M. Aoyama,
Niigata Institute of Technology, Japan
Web Services and Software Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities
S. Weerawarana,
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA |
3:304:00 |
Nutrition Break |
4:005:30 |
Technical Papers (TP)
Effective Uses of Inspections
Session chair:
L. Briand,
Carleton University, Canada
Systematic Object-Oriented Inspection: An Empirical Study
A. Dunsmore,
M. Roper, and
M. Wood,
University of Strathclyde, UK
Evaluating the Accuracy of Defect Estimation Models Based on Inspection Data From Two Inspection Cycles
S. Biffl and
W. Grossmann,
Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Investigating the Cost-Effectiveness of Reinspections in Software Development
S. Biffl,
Technical University of Vienna, Austria; and
B. Freimut and
O. Laitenberger,
Fraunhofer IESE, Germany |
Technical Papers (TP)
Building Formal Analysis Tools
Session chair:
T. Ball,
Microsoft Research, USA
A Component-Based Approach to Building Formal-Analysis Tools
R. E. K. Stirewalt and
L. K. Dillon,
Michigan State University, USA
Tool-Supported Program Abstraction for Finite-State Verification
M. B. Dwyer,
J. Hatcliff,
R. Joehanes,
S. Laubach,
Kansas State University, USA;
C. S. Pasareanu,
W. Visser,
Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science, USA; and
H. Zheng,
Kansas State University, USA
A Workbench for Synthesising Behaviour Models from Scenarios
S. Uchitel and
J. Kramer,
Imperial College, UK |
Education Papers (EDU)
Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Panel (SWEBOK)
Panel chair:
P. Freeman,
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
D. J. Bagert,
Texas Tech University, USA;
R. Dupuis,
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada;
D. Frailey,
Raytheon Company, USA;
H. Saiedian,
University of Kansas, USA;
M. Shaw,
Carnegie Mellon University, USA; and
J. B. Thompson,
University of Sunderland, UK |
Invited Industry Presentations (IIP)
Frontiers of Component Technologies
Session chair:
G. F. Hoffnagle,
IBM Corporation, USA
Enterprise Methodology =/= Software Development Methodology
J. Q. Ning,
Accenture, USA
Mining Selected Components: The Options Analysis for Reengineering (OAR)
D. Smith,
L. O'Brien, and
J. Bergey,
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA
Achieving Usability through Software Architecture
L. Bass,
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA; and
B. E. John,
Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
5:309:00 |
Sponsored by IBM |
Thursday, May 17, 2001
Previous Day | Next Day | Top
Thursday, May 17, 2001
(ICSE Technical Program) |
7:308:30 |
Breakfast |
Speaker's Breakfast |
Café |
8:3010:00 |
Technical Papers (TP)
Dynamic Analysis and Testing
Session chair:
D. S. Rosenblum,
University of California, Irvine, USA
The Specification and Testing of Quantified Progress Properties in Distributed Systems
P. Krishnamurthy and
P. A. G. Sivilotti,
Ohio State University, USA
An Explorative Journey from Architectural Tests Definition downto Code Tests Execution
A. Bertolino,
IEI-CNR, Italy; and
P. Inverardi and
H. Muccini,
University of L'Aquila, Italy
Encoding Program Executions
S. P. Reiss and
M. Renieris,
Brown University, USA |
Technical Papers (TP)
Construction of Component-Based Systems
Session chair:
D. Batory,
University of Texas at Austin, USA
Dynamic and Selective Combination of Extensions in Component-Based Applications
E. Truyen,
B. Vanhaute,
W. Joosen,
P. Verbaeten,
Katholieke, Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; and
B. Nørregaard Jøergensen,
Southern University of Denmark, Denmark
Generating Wrappers for Command-Line Legacy Systems--The Cal-Aggie Wrap-O-Matic Project
E. Wohlstadter,
S. Jackson, and
P. Devanbu,
University of California, Davis, USA
Designing Components versus Objects: A Transformational Approach
D. H. Lorenz,
Northeastern University, USA; and
J. Vlissides,
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA |
Case Study Reports (CSR)
Infrastructure Support
Session chair:
J. Kramer,
Imperial College, UK
Using the Web for Document Versioning: An Implementation Report for Delta-V
J. J. Hunt and
J. Reuter,
University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Evaluating the Reverse Engineering Capabilities of Web Tools for Understanding Site Content and Structure: A Case Study
S. R. Tilley and
S. Huang,
University of California, Riverside, USA
A Case Study of the Evolution of Jun: An Object-Oriented Open-Source 3D Multimedia Library
A. Aoki,
K. Hayashi,
K. Kishida,
K. Nakakoji,
Y. Nishinaka,
Software Research Associates, Inc., Japan;
B. Reeves,
TwinBear Research, USA; and
A. Takashima and
Y. Yamamoto,
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan |
Challenges and Achievements in Software Engineering (CHASE)
Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments
Session chair:
W. Schäfer,
University of Paderborn, Germany
Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments: Academic and Industrial Perspectives
R. Balzer,
Teknowledge Corporation, USA; and
V. Gruhn,
University of Dortmund, Germany |
Formal Demos (FD)
Software Architecture
Session chair:
R. K. Keller,
University of Montréal, Canada
Model Processing Tools in UML
J. Koskinen,
J. Peltonen,
P. Selonen,
T. Systä, and
K. Koskimies,
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Hyper/J: Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns for Java
H. Ossher and
P. Tarr,
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Architecture-Oriented Programming Using FRED
M. Hakala,
J. Hautamäki,
K. Koskimies,
Tampere University of Technology, Finland; and
J. Paakki,
A. Viljamaa,
J. Viljamaa,
University of Helsinki, Finland |
Posters, and
(EPIC) |
10:0010:30 |
Nutrition Break |
10:3011:30 |
The Coming-of-Age of Software Architecture Research
Mary Shaw,
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Session chair:
M. J. Harrold,
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
11:3012:00 |
Most Influential Paper from ICSE 13
"Tolerating Inconsistency" Revisited
Robert Balzer,
Teknowledge Corporation, USA
Session chairs:
M. J. Harrold,
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; and
W. Schäfer,
University of Paderborn, Germany |
12:001:10 |
Lunch |
1:101:50 |
Awards Presentations
ACM Service, ACM Research
IEEE Computer Society Harlan D. Mills
Session chairs:
1:502:00 |
Break |
2:003:30 |
Technical Papers (TP)
Reengineering and Software Evolution
Session chair:
J. H. Jahnke,
University of Victoria, Canada
Exploiting the Map Metaphor in a Tool for Software Evolution
W. G. Griswold and
J. J. Yuan,
University of California, San Diego, USA; and
Y. Kato,
University of Tokyo, Japan
Separating Features in Source Code: An Exploratory Study
G. C. Murphy,
A. Lai,
R. J. Walker, and
M. P. Robillard,
University of British Columbia, Canada
Comparing Frameworks and Layered Refinement
R. Cardone and
C. Lin,
University of Texas, Austin, USA |
Technical Papers (TP)
Analysis of Architectures
Session chair:
N. Medvidovic,
University of Southern California, USA
Quantifying the Costs and Benefits of Architectural Decisions
R. Kazman,
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA;
J. Asundi,
Carnegie Mellon University, USA; and
M. Klein,
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA
Survivability Analysis of Networked Systems
S. Jha,
University of Wisconsin, USA; and
J. M. Wing,
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Adaptive Feedback Scheduling of Incremental and Design-To-Time Tasks
P. H. Feiler and
J. J. Walker,
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA |
Case Study Reports (CSR)
Applications of New Paradigms in Software Development
Session chair:
D. Smith,
Software Engineering Institute, USA
Case Study: Extreme Programming in a University Environment
M. M. Müller and
W. F. Tichy,
University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Improving Validation Activities in a Global Software Development Environment
C. Ebert,
C. H. Parro,
R. Suttels, and
H. Kolarczyk,
Alcatel, France
Applying WinWin to Quality Requirements: A Case Study
H. In,
B. Boehm,
T. Rodgers, and
M. Deutsch,
Texas A&M University, University of Southern California, USA |
Challenges and Achievements in Software Engineering (CHASE)
Specification and Modeling
Session chair:
G. Engels,
University of Paderborn, Germany
Specification and Modeling: An Academic Perspective
M. Broy,
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Specification and Modeling: An Industrial Perspective
B. Selic,
Rational Software Canada Corporation, Canada |
Formal Demos (FD)
Reuse and Integration
Session chair:
G. T. Heineman,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
CodeWeb: Data Mining Library Reuse Patterns
A. Michail,
University of New South Wales, Australia
Holmes: An Intelligent System to Support Software Product Line Development
G. Succi,
J. Yip, and
W. Pedrycz,
University of Alberta, Canada
Babel: Representing Business Rules in XML for Application Integration
H. Zhang and
E. Stroulia,
University of Alberta, Canada |
3:304:00 |
Nutrition Break |
4:005:30 |
Technical Papers (TP)
Improving the Testing Process
Session chair:
K. Inoue,
Osaka University, Japan
Incorporating Varying Test Costs and Fault Severities into Test Case Prioritization
S. Elbaum,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA;
A. Malishevsky,
Oregon State University, USA; and
G. Rothermel,
Oregon State University, USA
Finding Failures by Cluster Analysis of Execution Profiles
W. Dickinson,
D. Leon, and
A. Podgurski,
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Understanding IV&V in a Safety Critical and Complex Evolutionary Environment: The NASA Space Shuttle Program
M. V. Zelkowitz and
I. Rus,
University of Maryland, USA |
Technical Papers (TP)
Mobile Agents
Session chair:
I. Ben-Shaul,
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, VersEdge Technologies, Israel
Theory of Software Reliability Based on Components
D. Hamlet,
Portland State University, USA; and
D. Mason and
D. Woit,
Ryerson Polytechnic University, Canada
Engineering Mobile-Agent Applications via Context-Dependent Coordination
G. Cabri,
L. Leonardi, and
F. Zambonelli,
University of Modena, Italy
Consistent Group Membership in Ad Hoc Networks
G.-C. Roman,
Q. Huang, and
A. Hazemi,
Washington University, St. Louis, USA |
Case Study Reports (CSR)
Software Evolution
Session chair:
T. C. Lethbridge,
University of Ottawa, Canada
TIGRAAn Architectural Style for Enterprise Application Integration
W. Emmerich,
University College London, UK;
E. Ellmer,
Zuhlke Engineeering GmbH, Germany; and
H. Fieglein,
DG Bank, Germany
Reengineering Analysis of Object-Oriented Systems via Duplication Analysis
F. Fioravanti,
G. Migliarese, and
P. Nesi,
University of Florence, Italy |
Challenges and Achievements in Software Engineering (CHASE)
Impact Project Panel
Panel chair:
L. J. Osterweil,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
J. Estublier,
French National Research Organization (CNRS), France;
D. Rombach,
Fraunhofer IESE, Germany; and
M. L. Soffa,
University of Pittsburgh, USA |
Formal Demos (FD)
Verification and Maintenance
Session chair:
E. Stroulia,
University of Alberta, Canada
jMOCHA: A Model Checking Tool that Exploits Design Structure
R. Alur,
University of Pennsylvania, USA;
L. de Alfaro,
University of California, Berkeley, USA;
R. Grosu,
SUNY, Stony Brook, USA;
T. A. Henzinger,
University of California, Berkeley, USA;
M. Kang,
University of Pennsylvania, USA;
C. M. Kirsch,
University of California, Berkeley, USA;
R. Majumdar,
University of California, Berkeley, USA;
F. Mang,
University of California, Berkeley, USA; and
B. Y. Wang,
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Maintenance Support Tools for Java Programs: CCFinder and JAAT
T. Kamiya,
F. Ohata,
K. Kondou,
S. Kusumoto, and
K. Inoue,
Osaka University, Japan
Using OCL-Queries for Debugging C++
C. Hobatr and
B. A. Malloy,
Clemson University, USA |
7:0010:00 |
Sponsored by NRC |
Continued |
Friday, May 18, 2001
Previous Day | Top
Friday, May 18, 2001
(ICSE Technical Program) |
7:308:30 |
Breakfast |
Speaker's Breakfast |
Café |
8:3010:30 |
Technical Papers (TP)
Analysis of Requirements
Session chair:
P. Tarr,
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Fast Formal Analysis of Requirements via "Topoi Diagrams"
T. Menzies,
University of British Columbia, Canada;
J. Powell,
Averstar, Inc., USA; and
M. E. Houle,
University of Sydney, Australia
Conceptual Modeling through Linguistic Analysis Using LIDA
S. P. Overmyer,
Drexel University, USA;
B. Lavoie,
CoGenTex, Inc., USA; and
O. Rambow,
AT&T Research, USA
A Framework for Multi-Valued Reasoning Over Inconsistent Viewpoints
S. Easterbrook and
M. Chechik,
University of Toronto, Canada
Functional Palaeontology: System Evolution as the User Sees It
A. I. Antón,
North Carolina State University, USA; and
C. Potts,
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Technical Papers (TP)
Formal Frameworks
Session chair:
K. Futatsugi,
JAIST, Japan
A General Framework for Formalizing UML with Formal Languages
W. E. McUmber and
B. H. C. Cheng,
Michigan State University, USA
Efficient Filtering in Publish Subscribe Systems Using Binary Decision Diagrams
A. Campialla,
Microsoft, USA;
S. Chaki,
Carnegie Mellon University, USA;
E. Clarke,
Carnegie Mellon University, USA;
S. Jha,
University of Wisconsin, USA; and
H. Veith,
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
A Scalable Formal Method for Design and Automatic Checking of User Interfaces
J. Berstel,
Université de Marne-la-Vallée, France;
S. Crespi Reghizzi,
Politecnico di Milano, Italy;
G. Roussel,
Université de Marne-la-Vallée, France; and
P. San Pietro,
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Scientific Rigour, an Answer to a Pragmatic Question: A Liguistic Framework for Software Engineering
A. M. Haeberer,
ATX SA, UK; and
T. S. E. Maibaum,
King's College London, UK |
Perspectives on Software Engineering Panel (PoSE)
The Future of Software Engineering
Panel chair:
D. Notkin,
University of Washington, USA
M. Donner,
Morgan Stanley, USA;
M. D. Ernst,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA;
M. Gorlick,
Endeavors Technology, Inc., USA;
M.-A. Storey,
University of Victoria, Canada; and
E. J. Whitehead, Jr.,
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA |
Posters, and
(EPIC) |
10:3011:00 |
Nutrition Break |
11:0012:00 |
Software Engineering Challenges: A CIO's Perspective
Bernd Voigt,
Lufthansa, Germany
Session chair:
W. Schäfer,
University of Paderborn, Germany |
12:001:10 |
Lunch |
1:101:50 |
Frontiers of Software Practice (FoSP)
Session chair:
M.-A. Storey,
University of Victoria, Canada
AntiPatterns in Software Architecture
T. Mobray,
World Wide Institute of Software Architects (WWISA), USA |
Frontiers of Software Practice (FoSP)
Session chair:
A. W. Kark,
National Research Council, Canada
Dependability of Embedded Systems
J. Knight,
University of Virginia, USA |
Frontiers of Software Practice (FoSP)
Session chair:
H. A. Müller,
University of Victoria, Canada
Inter-Language Object Sharing with the Common Language Runtime: Infrastructure for MS .NET
J. Hamilton,
Microsoft Corporation, USA |
Frontiers of Software Practice (FoSP)
Session chair:
P. Sorenson,
University of Alberta, Canada
Collaborative Software Engineering
A. Brown,
Catapulse, Inc., USA |
1:502:00 |
Break |
2:003:00 |
Reuse That Pays
Linda M. Northrop,
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA
Session chair:
H. A. Müller,
University of Victoria, Canada |
Teardown of
Posters, and
Demos |
3:003:15 |
Nutrition Break |
3:154:45 |
Technical Papers (TP)
Architecture for Emerging Applications
Session chair:
E. Di Nitto,
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
An Architecture for Heterogeneous Groupware Applications
I. Marsic,
Rutgers University, USA
A Web-Oriented Architectural Aspect for the Emerging Computational Tapestry
K. J. Sullivan and
A. Saxena,
University of Virginia, USA
XAS: A System for Accessing Componentized, Virtual XML Documents
M.-L. Lo,
S.-K. Chen,
S. Padmanabhan, and
J. Chung,
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA |
Software Engineering Research Agendas Panel (SERA)
Panel chair:
D. Rombach,
Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
R. Jeffery,
University of New South Wales, Australia;
A. Mili,
West Virginia University, USA;
L. J. Osterweil,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA;
D. L. Parnas,
McMaster University, Canada; and
T. Tamai,
University of Tokyo, Japan |
4:455:00 |
ICSE 2001 Closing
Session chair:
W. Tracz,
Lockheed Martin Federal Systems, USA |